The concept of having a personal insurance agent is actually a very easy concept to grasp Vs. being insured by a company such as Geico or AAA where you are dealing with a corporate office, potentially long hold times and different representatives with each call.
Think about the way you feel when you visit your regular doctor , barber , dentist or bartender for that matter. These are people who you may have a long established rapport with and know very well. They are people you may talk to about things other than just the service they perform , such as life changes , family and other topics that you would not expect to discuss with a perfect stranger.. As an Insurance Agent I am known to answer my cell phone for clients well outside my office hours and respond to emails around the clock. Customers call me sometimes just to say hello or in a recent instance, to let me know that their second baby was born. I truly feel connected with my clients who renew their insurance with me year after year and love what I do for a living. That to me is what separates me from the insurance representative who reads from a corporate canned script in a call center and will likely be some one who you will have no interaction with other than that one phone call. In many cases, they are critiqued on how well they stick to the script and how many numbers they put on the board for their weekly meetings. When some one's head is on the proverbial chopping block, how sincere do you really feel they will be on average when it comes to putting your needs first?
Learn more about what I do by visiting my website and liking my facebook page.
Thanks for reading!
Jeff M