Where do I find a good insurance agent?

In my previous blogs I have so far mentioned that there is a difference between a company like Geico where you may not receive the personalized attention an insurance agent will give you and companies like Farmers where you work with the same insurance agent every time who you will overtime build confidence and trust in.

      You might ask now "where do I look to find a good  insurance agent I can trust? ". This can be frustrating at times, because not all agents are created equal and some are going to be more available than others. Although you may have an insurance agent, you may find yourself dealing with his staff only, which is not necessarily a bad thing, however I have come across many people who tell me that their previous agent has never spoken to them in person or has not in years. It would make sense as well that the larger an agent's practice might be , the less time  they will likely allocate to each individual customer. Also, there is a complacency factor which is possible when an agent has been in business for many years and is comfortable letting their staff run the office almost completely. For those of you who do not desire a close relationship with your agent, then the above model may not be the worst thing for you.

       On the other hand, many customers also prefer to have meetings with their agent once a year in person and be able to speak to them on the phone when they call instead of a staff person each time.
I personally consider myself a very involved insurance agent. If a customer would like to speak with me, I make sure that they have that opportunity as soon as possible. It is the way I like to be treated with business I frequent.

    Another item to look at when interviewing your potential agent is to check the department of insurance to find out if this individual has ever had any complaints or disciplinary action filed against him. You can find this information at this link www.insurance.ca.gov. There is also a wealth of information about the carrier, policy regulations and more. Furthermore, we have entered the age where social media has provided a larger than ever presence in the way people shop. Websites where people can rate and rank their experiences with a business are a norm. Take a look at www.yelp.com and Google +. You may find it beneficial to see what others say.

Thanks for reading!

If you live in California and would like to ask me any questions about insurance or obtain an insurance quote, please call me at  


Best Regards,

Jeff Milber
