Why buy Renters Insurance?

The basic need for renters insurance can be summarized as follows...

Protect Yourself from Legal Liability

I am sure that at one time or another, you have found yourself accidentally forgetting to turn off the oven, stove, iron or coffee maker. Even a cigarette ember or smoldering piece of charcoal from your grill can ignite into a blazing, out of control inferno.

Your landlord and their insurance company may find you legally liable for the damages and take legal action in some cases to recover their costs. This could be a devastating blow to your savings and income as well as the monetary loss derived from your personal property damaged or destroyed in the fire.

The Worst Case Scenario

You are not covered since you declined to purchase a renters insurance policy which would have cost you under $20 per month for a basic policy. Your landlord's insurance carrier pays the damages and then proceeds to subrogate their costs to you personally. This could result in potential legal action which will put your savings at risk , assets and wage garnishments.

If You Are Protected
Since you had the foresight to take the advice of your Farmers Agent and add the renters insurance policy to your auto insurance, you are covered! Not only are you covered for the liability portion , but also your personal property is covered at replacement cost, not at it's depreciated value.

  You are also pleased when you receive funding from Farmers toward your temporary relocation and pack out of your belongings while the repairs are made to your dwelling. the same coverage applies in the instance of a water loss where your sink , tub or toilet overflows.

 The renters insurance policy even covers your personal property for theft in your home out of your car or while abroad on vacation!

As a local San Diego based  insurance agent, I have found that the vast majority of residents rent their home or apartment and few of them have knowledge about the need for renters insurance and it's relatively low out of pocket cost.

Call me to get your complementary, custom tailored renters insurance quote !

Thank You for reading,

Jeff Milber
1011 Camino Del Rio South #100
San Diego, CA 92108

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